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Our Lady and St. John
Catholic Church
Worshiping at St. Francis of Assisi
People as Patrimony
Many Christians nurtured in the Anglican tradition have found themselves drawn to the Catholic Church. Many such men and women, lay, religious, and clergy have made a contribution to her life. Through the arts, sound teaching, and ministry, these and many other converts to the Catholic faith have inspired many to follow the example of Christ Jesus.
​“The Church is a house with a hundred gates: and no two men enter at exactly the same angle.”
- G. K. Chesterton
Priests & Religious
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
First American born saint
Founder of the Sisters of Charity
Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman
Theologian & Educator
Fr. Frederick William Faber
Msgr. Ronald Knox
Author, Translator, & Theologian
Fr. George Rutler
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Arts & Letters
G.K. Chesterton
Author & Journalist
Evelyn Waugh
Sir Alec Guinness
Gerard Manley Hopkins
Priest and Poet
A. W. N. Pugin
Architect &Designer
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