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Advent & Christmas at Our Lady & St. John

Tuesday December 8th, The Immaculate Conception

Mass - 5:00 PM, Public mass at St. Martin of Tours, live streamed on Facebook.

This is a Holy Day of Obligation.

Saturday December 12th, Rorate Mass on Our Lady of Guadalupe

Rorate Mass - 7:15 AM, Public mass at St. Martin of Tours, live streamed on Facebook

This beautiful candlelit mass in honor of Our Lady ends at dawn.

Saturday December 19th, Lessons & Carols

Lessons & Carols - 6:30 PM, at St. Martin of Tours, live streamed on Facebook

A highlight of the Advent season, please join us in this wonderful service in preparation for Christmas.

Friday December 25th, Christmas Day

Mass - 12:00 PM, Public mass at St. Martin of Tours, live streamed on Facebook


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