Our Lady and St. John
Catholic Church
Worshiping at St. Francis of Assisi
Catechesis of
the Good Shepherd
We welcome your interest and participation and hope you will continue to support this ministry. We particularly need:
Assistants. We always need two adults present for every class, but only one of these needs to be trained in the CGS method.
Financial support. CGS involves many physical objects which must be constructed or purchased, so donations from those able to give are very helpful. We are committed to providing CGS to all children without any fees.
Construction assistance. The CGS method prefers, when possible, that the various items the children use be constructed by hand by the community. There is plenty to do for those skilled in woodworking, sewing, painting, and other handicrafts.
Please email us (cgs@ourladystjohn.org) for further information.
In Christ the Good Shepherd,
Andrea Erdman & Dianna Gabbard